Multifactorial vertigo or "vertigo in old age": a variety of causes

A single and clear-cut cause of vertigo cannot always be identified. Often, several factors interact or the reasons for vertigo cannot be narrowed down unequivocally.

These types of vertigo are grouped under the rubric of multifactorial vertigo. Since the problems often occur in connection with the aging process, we also speak of "old-age vertigo".

Impaired sensory perception or stimuli processing can play as much a role as diseases or taking medications, e.g. sedatives. Age-related physical changes, such as circulatory problems due to arteriosclerosis or a slowing down of the stimuli processing in the balance organ, can sometimes lead to dizziness as well.

General risk factors are: anxiety, restlessness, depression, hearing problems, taking five or more different medications, blood pressure changes when going into an upright posture and a previous heart attack. The more risk factors add up, the more likely vertigo problems are.

With multifactorial vertigo you often see postural vertigo (uncertain gait, sometimes even a tendency to fall) and lightheadedness. Even though multifactorial vertigo is hard to pin down, it is important not to dismiss it simply as an "age problem" and thus not treatable.