When travelling, medication or circulatory problems cause motion sickness

As has already been shown, vertigo can have diverse causes – which arises from the fact that many human body systems work together to ensure that we can move around safely. Here, we want to introduce further important types of vertigo: kinetosis or motion sickness, a medication-induced type of vertigo, and vertigo attacks caused by cardiovascular problems (lightheadedness, orthostatic vertigo).

Kinetosis (motion sickness)

Kinetosis is the scientific name for the physical discomfort that is commonly called seasickness or motion sickness. Its origin lies in contradictory information received by the balance system when exposed to passive motion – e.g. on a plane, in a car or on a ship. Some sensory cells register the motion, others, however, only immobility (e.g. when not looking outside but with a stable environment in your field of vision). The result of such a "sensory confusion" can be vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Strictly speaking, motion sickness is not a disease, despite the often severe symptoms, but a normal and sensible response of the body to a potential danger.

Medication-induced vertigo

A large number of medications can cause vertigo and side effects – relevant information can be found on the package insert. A possible mechanism behind this could be an intended or unintended drop in blood pressure. You also have to consider possible interactions when taking other pharmaceutical products. Medication-induced vertigo is a particularly important factor for senior citizens, since the body changes with age and thus also the reaction to some medications. Products without any known side effects or interactions are therefore ideal for patients suffering from vertigo.

Vertigo with cardio-vascular complaints

When you sometimes feel dizzy getting up, this is often caused by your cardiovascular system adapting to this activity. Such an orthostatic vertigo (Greek orthos = upright, Greek stasis = standing) is the result of a brief circulatory problem and does not necessarily indicate a severe disease. However, there are serious cardiovascular diseases that are associated with vertigo e.g. heart condition, arrhythmia, heart insufficiency. Characteristic is lightheadedness to the point of seeing black spots before your eyes or even a brief loss of consciousness – sometimes in combination with cold sweats or a rapid heartbeat. Blood circulatory problems in the brain and balance organ are the cause of these vertigo events. High blood pressure can also be responsible for vertigo and lightheadedness.